3145.00 | Fund Types

The accounts of the District are organized on the basis of funds, each of which is considered to be a separate accounting entity. The operations of each fund are accounted for by providing a separate set of self-balancing accounts. The following funds are maintained by the District:

  1. The General Fund is used to account for all financial resources not accounted for and reported in another fund;
  2. Special Revenue Funds are used to account and report the proceeds of specific revenue sources that are restricted or committed expenditure for specific purposes other than debt services or capital projects;
  3. Debt Service Funds are used to account for all financial resources restricted, committed, or assigned to expenditure for principal and interest;
  4. Capital Projects Funds or Plant Facilities Funds are used to account for all financial resources restricted, committed, or assigned to expenditure for the acquisition or construction of capital assets.
  5. Permanent Funds are used to account for resources restricted to the extent that only earnings, and not principal, may be used for purposes that support the District’s purposes.

The above list is not comprehensive and the District may have other funds such as an Activities Fund.