4935.00 | Disciplinary Action, Demotion, Suspension, or Termination

Violations of any of the rules of conduct will constitute just cause for some type of corrective action, ranging from a verbal warning to termination. The severity of the action will depend on the seriousness and frequency of the infraction, the circumstances involved, and any noted documentation of similar incidence.

Personnel may be suspended with or without pay or dismissed for disciplinary reasons as determined by their immediate supervisor, building principal, and district policy. Such action shall be in writing setting forth the reason(s) for the suspension/dismissal and informing the employee of his/her right to file a grievance with the supervisor following Idaho Code 33-517.

A classified employee is an at-will employee, which means that his/her employment with the District may be terminated by either the District or the employee, at any time, with or without cause or advance notice.