4900.00 | Basic Policy

Classified employees are those employed by the Moscow School District who are not required to hold a teaching certificate as a qualification for employment and are hired as support personnel.

All classified employees are at-will employees which means that their employment with the District may be terminated by either the District or by the employee, at any time, with or without cause or advance notice. No district employee, supervisor, or administrator has the authority to alter a classified employee’s at-will status or to enter into agreements for the continued employment of a classified employee. A classified employee should not construe any oral statement made to the employee as continuing his/her employment for any period of time.

Exceptions are noted where possible or may be set forth in individual job descriptions, employee handbooks or manuals as approved and adopted by the Board of Trustees. Nothing in board policy, job descriptions or employee handbooks is to be construed as a contract for automatically continuing employment.

Classified employees are an essential part of the District’s education system and critical to the smooth and safe functioning of the District’s schools. The relationship of classified and certified employees should be that of a team, cooperating to provide the best possible learning environment for the District’s students.