4450.00 | Substitute Teachers

Substitute teachers shall be required to assume all of the normal duties of the regular teacher. While it is preferred that a substitute holds a valid teacher’s certificate, an expired teacher’s certificate or a bachelor’s degree or higher will be accepted.

  1. Substitute teachers will be paid at the current rate, as approved by the Board.

  2. Substitute teachers will be paid for not less than one-half day. 

  3. The substitute teacher’s work day will be determined by the building administrator.

  4. A long-term substitute is

A person who has taught in excess of ten (10) consecutive days as a replacement for the same teacher and whose continued services in that position will include the development of lesson plans as well as other responsibilities for the continuing of the instructional program. Any long-term substitute must hold the certificate and endorsement for the grade level and subject area for which they are substituting. The building administrator shall notify the Superintendent of the need for a long-term substitute.

The consecutive day rule may be adjusted by the Superintendent if recommended by the principal, because the break in service was beyond the substitute’s control (i.e., illness, family emergency) or required by the school.