4170.00 | Committees

  1. No teacher shall be required to serve on more than two (2) committees as authorized by any District administrator.
  2. The District leadership shall select its representative(s) for district-wide committees. The MEA shall select its representative(s) for district-wide committees and the designated person(s) shall be formally identified.
  3. Upon establishment of a committee, members should be given a clear statement of the committee responsibilities, including annual objectives, timelines, and due dates for reports.
  4. Committee meetings may be held on a fixed schedule or flexible schedule. If a flexible schedule is used, prior notification to committee members must occur in a timely manner so members have a reasonable opportunity to attend.
  5. Final committee minutes, reports and recommendations will not be altered by individual members. Final minutes, reports and recommendations will include voting record including abstentions, and record of members present and absent.
  6. Members of committees who disagree with a committee’s action or decision are encouraged to write a minority report to be included with the committee’s report.
  7. The Board will review and revise the MSD Committee Booklet as necessary.