4050.50 | Employee Records

The Board shall provide for the establishment and maintenance of a personnel file for each employee of the District. Each personnel file shall contain any and all material relevant to the evaluation of the employee. The employee shall be provided timely notice of all materials placed in the personnel file and shall be afforded the opportunity to attach a rebuttal to any such materials. Personnel files are declared to be confidential and exempt from public access under any provision of Idaho Code 33-518 and 74-106, provided that each employee or designated representative shall be given access to his/her own personnel file upon request and shall be provided copies of material contained therein, with the exception of recommendation letters, in a timely manner upon request.

  1. Under Idaho Code 33-518 and 74-106, the Board exempts from disclosure all personnel records of a current or former public official (district official, or employee, whether elected, appointed, or hired) other than the public official’s public service or employment history, classification, pay grade and step, longevity, gross salary and salary history, status, workplace and employing agency.

  2. All other personnel information relating to a public employee or applicant, including, but not limited to, information regarding sex, race, marital status, birth date, home address and telephone number, applications, testing and scoring materials, grievances, correspondence and performance evaluation, shall not be disclosed to the public without the employee’s or applicant’s written consent. A public official or authorized representative may inspect and copy his or her personnel records, except for material used to screen and test for employment. The District will gain written consent from employee candidates to receive performance histories from any previous educational employer as part of the application process of the District per Idaho Code 33-1210. An employee may request in writing an amendment of any record pertaining to that employee per Idaho Code 74-113.