4050.00 Certificated Personnel Evaluation - Basic Policy

The District shall maintain a periodic program of certificated personnel evaluation consisting of both formal and informal observations, conferences, and reports. The purposes for certificated personnel evaluations are to optimize the school experience for our students and to provide communication that leads to professional growth and development for the individual certificated employee. The evaluation process also pertains to determination of probation, reduction in force and consideration for separation or termination. Each certificated employee shall have one administrative evaluator, designated by the Superintendent, who shall be responsible for conducting formal evaluations. The individuals assigned this responsibility shall have received training in conducting evaluations based on the statewide framework for evaluations within the immediate previous five (5) years of conducting any evaluations. Consulting opinions and observations may be used in the evaluation form. All formal evaluations shall be written, reviewed with the certificated employee and maintained as a part of the certificated employee’s personnel file. At a minimum, two (2), thirty (30) minute observations need to be conducted prior to the formal written evaluation. The first observation must be conducted prior to January 1 of each school year. Evaluations shall be completed a minimum of once each year and the written part regarding performance in accordance with the model approved by the Board shall be completed by June 1 of each year. In exceptional situations where certified personnel are unavailable for two documented classroom observations, such as long-term illness, late year hire, etc., one documented classroom observation is acceptable.

Formal evaluations will be conducted utilizing two sections. The first section consists of the results of two or more observations and a review of the employee’s professional portfolio. The four Domains of the Charlotte Danielson’s Framework for Teaching Model will be used to measure the observations and portfolios of teachers. Evaluations shall be differentiated for certificated non-instructional employees and pupil personnel certificated holders in a way that aligns with the Charlotte Danielson Framework for Teaching Second Edition to the extent possible and aligned to the pupil service staff’s applicable national standards. The Idaho Principal Evaluation Framework will be used for the building administration. This portion of the evaluation will make up sixty-seven (67%) of the evaluation. Ratings within each evaluation will be identified as Unsatisfactory, Basic, Proficient, or Distinguished.

Certified Staff members who are in their first year in the district, qualify for “Residential” placement on the Career Ladder, or have an Unsatisfactory in any of the four Domains are required to be evaluated on all four Domains. Certified staff that qualify for the “Professional” placement rung or higher on the Career Ladder may be evaluated in three of the four Domains. Domains two and three are required. The third Domain (1 or 4) will be identified by the evaluator and the evaluation must indicate how this aligns with the individualized professional learning plan. The three Domains will be weighted equally for this section.

The second section will be based on objective measures of student growth. This section will make up the remaining thirty-three percent (33%) of the evaluation. The objective measure of student growth will be measured using the Idaho State Standardized Assessment Tool, or other approved standardized assessment, and minimally one assessment agreed upon by the person being evaluated and the person conducting the evaluation. The person being evaluated must meet the established benchmark in at least one objective measure of student growth to be considered proficient (Revised 2/23/23)