4030.30 Probation and Notice of Intent Not to Renew Contract

  1. Before the Board can determine not to renew for reasons of an unsatisfactory report of the performance of any certificated person whose contract would otherwise be automatically renewed, such person shall be entitled to a reasonable period of probation. This period of probation shall be preceded by a written notice from the Board, or its designee, with reasons for such probationary period and with provisions for adequate supervision and evaluation of the person’s performance during the probationary period. Such period of probation shall not affect the person’s renewable contract status. Consideration of probationary status for certificated personnel is defined within the meaning of Idaho Code  74-206, and may be held in executive session. If the consideration and decision results in probationary status, the individual on probation shall not be named in the minutes of the meeting. A record of the decision shall be placed in the teacher’s personnel file.
  2. If the Board takes action to immediately discharge or discharge upon termination of the current contract a certificated person whose contract would otherwise be automatically renewed, the action of the Board shall be consistent with the procedures specified in Idaho Code 33-513 (5)
  3. If the Board determines to change the length of the term stated in the current contract or reduce the salary of a certificated person whose contract is to be automatically renewed, nothing herein shall require due process proceedings or a probationary period.  If the Board, for reasons of a Reduction in Force (RIF), decides to not renew a renewable contract, nothing herein shall require a probationary period per Idaho Code 33-515.