4000.20 | Recruitment and Selection

  1. The District strives to hire only the best qualified staff obtainable with resources available. Further, the District provides equal employment opportunity to all persons per Board Policy 1120.00.
  2. The responsibility for recruitment and selection of teachers will be the direct responsibility of the Superintendent with advice from administrative staff.
  3. The children of staff members (not including substitute employees) who live outside of the district boundaries will be allowed to enroll as in-district students. School placement for these students will be determined by the Superintendent or designee.
  4. The Superintendent or designee shall select teachers and administrators, and, as appropriate, trustees and patrons to serve on screening, interview, and selection committees.
  5. The Superintendent, based on the recommendation of the interview or selection committee and approval of the program or building administrator, will recommend all professional, certified personnel to the Board for final approval.