5022.00 | Admission Process

Open enrollment applications for new applicants, both in-district and out-of-district must be submitted by February 1 for the next school year. The transfer request will be reviewed by the District Administration after February 1, with notification of placement status within sixty (60) days.
  1. The process for an In-District or Out-of-District transfer request is as follows:
    1.  Parents may begin submitting Open Enrollment applications for the next school year beginning September 15.  The deadline to submit an application will be no later than February 1. 
    2. Students will be placed in District’s schools using the following criteria groupings (Note: in-district students who require a change of school or classroom setting to meet accessibility requirements based on an IEP or 504 supersede all other placements):
      1. Students who reside within the school attendance zone.
      2. Students of full-time employees of the Moscow School District, including those who  live outside the boundaries of the school district.
      3. Returning In-District Transfer Students.
      4. Siblings of currently enrolled In-District Transfer Students.
      5. New In-District Transfer Students.
      6. Returning Out-of-District Transfer Students.
      7. Siblings of currently enrolled Out-of-District Transfer Students.
      8. New Out-of-District Transfer Students.
      9. Students who reside outside the State of Idaho. (see Policy 5027.00)
    3. Once all applications received by February 1 have been reviewed, the District will send a written notice within sixty (60) days to the parent/guardian informing them of their students’ application status for the upcoming school year.
    4. After all applicants have been assigned, any remaining students will be placed on a waiting list within their qualifying grouping per Policy 5022.00 (A) (2) above. At this time, the student’s parent/guardian will be asked if they would like their student(s) to remain on the list for the upcoming school year in the event there is a future opening, or if they want to be taken off the list.
    5. The list generated through the transfer request process will be utilized throughout the current school year to fill openings. If an opening arises, the District will consult the waiting list and the parent/guardian of the next student on the list will be notified of the opening and offered the spot. They will be given a deadline at this time to respond. Applications submitted before the February 1 due date will be given priority over late applications.
    6. Students who are placed on the waiting list who do not gain admission must reapply on a new open enrollment application when the window reopens.7. Once a student has been placed per the open enrollment process, at the beginning of January of the following year, an email will be sent out to all parents/guardians requesting they fill out an Intent to Return form. The Intent to Return form will be accessible via the District’s website until the February 1 deadline. The following information will be requested:
      1. Whether the student currently enrolled at their requested school intends to enroll for the next school year.
      2. Whether the currently enrolled student will have any siblings who are not currently enrolled who intend to apply for enrollment for the next year. The names of those students may be included on the transfer request and a separate open enrollment application will be required at that time for a sibling who has not previously attended the requested school.
      3. A follow-up will be made mid-January  to ensure the invitation has been received if there has not been a response from the parent/guardian.