4945.20 | Workers’ Compensation

In the event of a disability incurred on the job and covered by Workers’ Compensation, the employee shall be given the choice of either 1) entering a period of leave of absence without pay and receiving Workers’ Compensation to which entitled; or 2) utilizing a portion of accrued sick leave to supplement Workers’ Compensation benefits to maintain his/her regular salary insofar as the combined total of Workers’ Compensation benefits to maintain his/her regular salary leave benefits does not exceed 100% of the salary to which he/she would otherwise be entitled.

  1. Prior to requesting the use of sick leave to augment Worker’ Compensation payments, the employee shall first furnish the Superintendent with proof in the form of a statement from a licensed physician (medical doctor) that his/her injury or illness will not permit him/her to perform his/her regularly assigned duties. Should the Superintendent require a second opinion concerning the employee’s condition, this shall be furnished at the Districts expense.
  2. Doctor’s statements confirming continuing disability throughout the disability leave shall be furnished at the employee’s expense at intervals specified by the Superintendent
  3. Documentation listing all payments received from Workers’ Compensation during each pay period shall be furnished by the employee prior to any district warrant being drafted in his/her favor for that pay period. Uses of sick leave to augment Workers’ Compensation payments shall terminate when an employee either: 1) returns to work; 2) is no longer disabled in the opinion of a licensed physician; or 3) terminates employment with the district.