4917.00 | Classified Employees (updated 1-24-24)

There are two categories of classified employees, exempt and non-exempt.

  1. Exempt  employees are paid on a salary basis, which is paid in twelve (12) equal payments.
  2. Non-exempt employees are paid on an hourly basis. Those who qualify for benefits are paid on the computed scheduled hours worked, divided into twelve (12) equal payments. Additional time and overtime are paid each month based upon the non-exempt employee’s timecard.
  3. Non-exempt and exempt employees will be placed on the appropriate salary schedule by using the following steps:
  1. Placed in the pay grade that corresponds with the job description.
  2. After six (6) months from the date of hire, movement from Step 1 to Step 2, or Step 2 to Step 3 on the classified salary schedule will require a proficient or distinguished evaluation.
  3. Step increases will take effect at the beginning of the next work year.
  4. Non-exempt employees who qualify for benefits and  will receive longevity increases of 2.5% after the completion of each five (5) years of service with the district. The increase will take effect with the pay period following the anniversary date of the employee.