4906.00 | Recruitment and Selection

The responsibility for recruitment and selection of classified staff will be the direct responsibility of the Superintendent with advice from the administrator or supervisor of the department. Such determinations will be based upon qualifications for any state licensure requirements and ability to perform the responsibilities of the position.

  1. The Superintendent may call upon staff, trustees, patrons and administrators in the selection of staff.
  2. The children of staff members (not including substitute employees) who live outside of the district's boundaries will be allowed to enroll as in-district students. School placement for these students will be determined by the Superintendent of designee.
  3. The Superintendent will recommend all classified staff to the Board for final approval of hiring.
  4. In accordance with Idaho Code 33-130, criminal history checks will be conducted on all new employees.  
  5. See Procedures Section for implementation of bus driver hiring.