4125.10 | Basic Policy

This policy applies to all members of the Moscow School District community, including employees, students, board members and other members of the public including guests, visitors, volunteers, and invitees. The Board requires the reporting of every incidence of harassment, regardless of who the offender may be. Accordingly, the District prohibits retaliation against individuals who report allegations of harassment of any kind, file a formal complaint, or participate in a grievance process.

  1. The District is committed to providing a workplace and educational environment, as well as other benefits, programs, and activities, that are free from any type of harassment, including but not limited to, sex and gender-based harassment, discrimination, and retaliation.
  2. District employees, the Board, and students are:
    1. Prohibited from harassing other employees, Board members, students, or visitors of the district,
    2. Required to report to his/her supervisor, building administrator, the superintendent, or the Title IX Coordinator, harassment of any type, of which he or she becomes aware, and
    3. Required to take immediate action to discipline and/or report students who engage in conduct which may be reasonably considered to constitute harassment of any type of another student.
  3. Each administrator shall be responsible for promoting understanding and acceptance of, and assuring compliance with, state and federal laws and board policy and administrative procedures governing harassment of any type.
  4. This policy applies to all conduct on the District’s premises and conduct off the District’s premises that impacts an employee’s work environment or a student’s educational environment.
  5. As deemed appropriate, the District will provide training to employees regarding harassment and will take reasonable steps to take remedial action to stop the harassment and prevent its recurrence.
  6. Students, employees, or other members of the District community who believe they have been subjected to sex or gender-based harassment, discrimination, or retaliation should report the incident to the Title IX Coordinator, who will provide information about supportive measures and the applicable grievance process(es).