4030.00 Contracts – Professional, Certified Personnel

The District shall employ professional, certified personnel on written contract in a form approved by the State Superintendent of Public Instruction, conditioned upon a valid certificate being held by such professional, certified personnel at the time of entering upon the duties here under. Should the Board fail to enter into written contract for the employment of any such person, the State Superintendent of Public Instruction shall withhold ensuing apportionments until such written contract be entered into. When the Board has delivered a proposed contract for the next ensuing year to any such person, such person shall have a period of time to be determined by the Board in its discretion, but in no event less than ten (10) days from the date the contract is delivered, in which to sign the contract and return it to the Human Resources Office. If the Board does not determine the period of time, the default period of time will be twenty-one (21) days. Delivery of a contract may be made only in person or by certified mail, return receipt requested. When delivery is made in person, delivery of the contract must be acknowledged by a signed receipt. When delivery is made by certified mail, delivery must be acknowledged by return of the certified mail receipt from the person to whom the contract was sent. Should the person willfully refuse to acknowledge receipt of the contract or the contract is not signed and returned to the Human Resources Office in the designated period of time, the Board may declare the position vacant.  [Idaho Codes 33-513 (1); 33-514; 33-514A; 33-515]