3391.10 | Financial Emergency Declaration Requirements

If the State Department of Education certifies that one or more of the conditions below in paragraph (A), (B), or (C) are met, then the Board may declare a financial emergency, if it determines that the condition in paragraph (F) is also met. Alternatively, the Board may declare a financial emergency if it determines that either of the conditions in paragraph (D) or (E) of this subsection are met and the State Department of Education certifies that the condition set forth in paragraph (F) is also met.

  1. Any of the base salary multipliers in Section 33-1004E, Idaho Code, are reduced by one and one-half percent (1 ½%) or more from any prior fiscal year.
  2. The minimum instructional salary provision in Section 33-1004E, Idaho Code, is reduced by one and one-half percent (1 ½%) or more from any prior fiscal year.
  3. The amount of total general fund money appropriated per support unit is reduced by greater than three percent (3%) from the original general fund appropriation per support unit of any prior fiscal year.
  4. The amount of property tax revenue to be collected by the District that may be used for any general fund purpose, with the exception of any emergency levy funds, is reduced from the prior fiscal year, and the amount of said reduction represents more than five percent (5%) of the District's general fund budget for combined state and local revenues from the prior fiscal year
  5. The District's general fund has decreased by at least three percent from the previous year's level due to a decrease in funding or natural disaster, but not as a result of a drop in the number of support units or the index multiplier calculated pursuant to Section 33-1004A, Idaho Code, or a change in the emergency levy.
  6. The District's unrestricted general fund balance, which excludes funds restricted by state or federal law and considering both anticipated expenditures and revenue, is less than five and one-half percent (5 ½%) of the District's unrestricted general fund budget at the time the financial emergency is declared or for the fiscal year for which the financial emergency is declared.